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1st of March for the summer residency.
Ongoing booking for ordinary residency.
Please submit the application form in English or Norwegian to:
Next deadline
1st of March for the summer residency between 1st May and 1st September 2017
1st of October for the Open Showcase on the 1st Sunday in Advent 2017
Ongoing applications for winter residency 2017/2018
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R.E.D. Residency Company 22 october
R.E.D. Residency Company will premiere its first production entitled “Engler over Toten- The Brutal Beauty of Everyday Life” on the 22 and 23 of October. The project is a performance with dance- film- light -music and text, and is the main event at the opening of the interdisciplinary R.E.D. ARENA. Participants: Erlend Auestad Danielsen, Ella Fiskum, Sudesh Adhana, Charlott Utzig, Ingrid Kvalvik Sørensen, Sara Helene Vallevik Borg, Elisabeth Rom, Houwaida Goulli (DE), Kyrre Heldal Karlsen, Ståle Stenslie, Julie Narum, Elisa Schonhowd, o.a.
RIFF (R.E.D. International Film Festival)
First Edition 29-31 July
Featuring films from artist like: Francesca Penzani (IT/USA) , Alex Prager (USA), Salla Tykkä (FI), Maria Lloyd (NO), among others. Shooting Star: Yaniv Cohen (NO). 33 international films, performances, concerts, Drive In Movie Theatre, Laboratory. Website: http//
Sara Helene Vallevik Borg (NO)
During her residency Sara Helene Vallevik Borg will develop a soloperformance, for the first time as a professional dancer. Sara wishes to express her history, her experiences and feelings through dance. She finds it difficult to express herself through words, however it’s easy for her to communicate through movement. Improvisation is the base she works from. In addition to dancing on the ground, she dances in aerial silks in the air. The solo will be performed as a part of the RIFF festival live program.
Foot in Face (NO)
Foot in Face concists of Mari Dahl Stoknes and Karoline Aamås. They write: «Foot in Face is first of all a research project. It is a working frame developed to have both space and time to investigate and research the artistic side of our art form (editors note: the vertical rope and hair suspention). We believe that this project will bring our rope, knotting and hanging art, new and exciting influences.» Foot in Face will also collaborate with the swedish folkmusician Love Kjellson for their project.
Residency 26th of June 3rd of July
Rabagast, an experimental zone for dance, is lead by Kristine Karåla Øren. She is collaborating with Ingeleiv Berstad and Janne Eraker for the first time, as they work on the project Song, tap and contemporary dance.They are combining singing, tapping and contemporary dance, and their ambition is to look at the close relationship between dance and music – movement and sound. The project will develop to a series of concerts.
Silent Pack (NO)
Residency 17th – 22nd of June
Workshop in dance (for children) 22nd of June, 5:005:45 p.m., 100 NOK
Registration: email or call 0047 99 27 39 75
Performance (workinprogress) 22 nd of June, 6:00 p.m., tickets: 100 NOK
Silent Pack is a dance project within the genre of contemporary/ contemporary jazz, and is an extension of a short film with the same name. Silent Pack is inspired by the sense of togetherness seen in animal packs (eg.wolf pack), and how they find stillness and calmness together from moment to moment. In the work process we will be experimenting with physical dance and various mindfulness practices as tools for being present and connected. Behind this is a longing for affiliation, compassion and caring when everything around us is impermanent and constantly changing. During the residency, the project will be developed into a performance that will premiere this fall.
Idea/concept: Caroline Skjørshammer
Choreography: Jon Ole Olstad and Caroline Skjørshammer
Dancers: Christine Vik Bratvold, Dina J Moen, Cassandra Loo, Benedicte V Lütken, Caroline Skjørshammer.
Residency 30 th of May 12 th of June
Sudesh Adhana is the founder of the company XPROARTS. At the moment he is collaborating with seven male dancers, on the piece Untamed Donkeys.Why are all gods male? Is the young mind able to filter information full of contradictions?
XPROARTS investigate suppressed mindsets; they look at the link between what the youth have been experiencing, and their behaviour. XPROARTS’ starting point for the investigation was among other things the gang rapes in India.
Performances (free entry, duration: 50 minutes)
Oslo (Grønland Torg), 23rd of June, 5:00 p.m.
Drammen (Strømsø Torg), 24th of June, 5:00 p.m.
Lillehammer (Sigrid Undsets Plass), 27th of June, 5:00 p.m.
Gjøvik (near the bus station, Skyss Stasjon), 28th of June, 5:00 p.m.
Raufoss (parking lot of the mall), 29th of June, 5:00 p.m.
Lillestrøm (Torvscenen), 30th of June, 5:00 p.m.
Premiere in India November 2016.
Soft Men (NO)
Information on performances:
«SOFT MEN» — an unpretentious duet about freedom and inner resistance
«SOFT MEN» is a world of fragmented stories and spontaneous physical reactions between two men and their witnesses. It is the expression of what it feels like «to be a man», looking closely at the happenings that emerge between two ambitious, competitive, strong, but at the same time softhearted men. «SOFT MEN» involves spoken word as well as dance and elements related to performance art, seeks to be audienceinteractive, and has a very adaptable form as it seeks to be informed by and tailored to each performance setting.
«SOFT MEN» is spontaneously and unpretentiously choreographed and performed by norwegian dance artist Alexander S.L. Aarø and half faroese half norwegian Erlend A. Danielsen.
Charlott Utzig/Ida Haugen (NO)
“83 meters above sea level”
We explore the everyday, private gestures, in the face of the public space. We work with the body by placing the individual movements in a form in which the initiative may come from the periphery and the outer circumstances. The work explores the feeling of being uncomfortable in the environment, where there is a discomfort in what is supposed to be comfortable. How can we work physically with ambivalence and complexity of a soul that simply can not see and feel in straight lines?
The project will be performed as a work in progress at R.E.D. on 7 May, and later appear in the bird pool on top of St.Hanshaugen in Oslo on June 11.
Idea / Concept and participants: Charlott Madeleine Utzig and Ida Haugen
Moving Moment (NO) December 2015
Katja Henriksen Schia and Nina Biong are with MovingMoment asking: How do the movements I do, express what I feel? In what way can I change your mood through my mood? This is the starting point for performance “Shadows of Happiness” where they have been involving locale children in a coupe of workshops. The performance will be presented at R.E.D. ARENA on the 12th of December, in combination with the local band Toten Tornado Kids and an exhibition by local children. “Shadows of Happiness” will later be presented in Russia and at Dansearena Nord.
Performances, Festivals and Artists in Residence at R.E.D. Residency Eina Danz.
DKS workshop Deep Down Dopeizm 2015
dEEP doWN dopEiZM are back at R.E.D. and will give a workshop for DKS. They will also have a week residency where they will pursue their project that later will have its premiere in Oslo.
Ella Fiskum Danz (No) Svetlana Bednenko (Ru)
The last part of The Triptych Trilogy entitled “Mercury 0811” will have its first research stage where the choreography and a pilot will be made. Ballerina Svetlana Bednenko, together with corps de ballet, showgirls, and actors will be joined in an open workshop at R.E.D. on the 22nd of August at R.E.D.
Photo Hidemi Takagi, from the performance «X» by INger-Reidun Olsen and Julia Kito Kirtley
4 projects “Skog” (Forest), “tro og overbevisning”, tUSTEN and “Birth-Way” will be developed in a residency with the six artists; Inger-Reidun Olsen, Andre Wulf, Christine Vik Bratvold, Alexander Aarø, Anette Brandanger, and Amelia Beavis-Harrison exploring video art and performance transcending space, belief, and nordic norrøn poetry.
Yolanda M. Guadarrama (Mexico City)
R.E.D. International Film Festival with the under title dance- art- cinema- will have a small presentation by curator Yolanda Guadarrama and founder Ella Fiskum, followed by the screening of the 1st edition (prelude edition) . The new festival will show films by artists: Salla Tykkä (FINLAND), Floria Sigimundi (ITALIA/CANADA), Paula Herrera (ARGENTINA), Fabien Coupez (FRANCE), Alfredo Salamond (MEXICO), Andrew Wass (USA), Ivan Landau, Memymom (BELGIC), Yentl de Werdt (FRANCE), Jonas Øren (NO), and Vishal Bhardwaj “Haider” (2014).
Compañía Proyecto Experimental (Barcelona/Chile) Mauro Barahona, Georgina Amat and Marta Romero
This company from Barcelona will work on a project entitled “The Effect of Migration to the 8 th Place” that will expresses and boosts a reflection about old age in human beings, the solitude of that moment and the experience of this stage in life. The project will include live dance on stage and dance on video. With these two elements they will take the audience on a journey through time and space and create a world of magic realism. The idea of the project was born in Barcelona with Mauro Barahona and Georgina Amat as creators and dancers, and Marta Romero as visual artist of the project -Proyecto Experimental Company-

Inamorata Dance Company (No) Sanna Eriksson Ryg
The newly established dance company based in Oslo will have a short residency period followed by a work in progress on the 20th of June. The project that is being developed entitled “Ulv” (Wolf) is dealing with the fear for the unknown and is to be explored using video and performance. The performers involved are: Sigur Dahle Uberg, Elisabeth Christine Holth, Nora Svenning, and Tonje Aas Molnes (also and costume designer)
SPA FOR LIVET, Ellen Johannesen, Ulf Nilseng, Olav Myrtvedt, Hege Rimestad (No/Kathmandu) 11-22 May
The performance SPAFORLIVET by Ellen Johannesen and Ulf Nilseng will be performed at R.E.D. on the 22nd of May. The performance was made for the public bath Tøyenbadet in Oslo in 2013 and is now being restaged. Olav Myrtvedt has the set design, while Hege Rimestad has the music. Ellen Johannessen how lives and workes in Kathmandu, Nepal will also give a workshop in Yoga on the 19th and 2oth of May.
Funded by
DKS tour Godaan by Xproarts 2014
Goodan on a 2 weeks tour at the barn, dancing for 1500 children in Vestre Toten Municipally
Video from summer program 2014
Funded by Oppland Fylkeskommune 2014
Performances and Artists in Residence at R.E.D. Residency Eina Danz.
dEEP doWN dopEiZM, August 1-10th 2014
The street dance group will have a residency period working on the new performance Epilogic. The crew consists of nine dancers who have immersed themselves in different styles of street dance, and essentially it’s the dancers who will be responsible for developing the choreography and the theme. In the process they will have guidance by Hooman Sharifi, the new artistic director for Carte Blanche (former choreographer for Impure Company) and choreographer Inger Reidun Olsen. The residency will result in a work in progress that will be showcased in the barn at R.E.D. on the 9th of August at 20:00. The crew will also give workshops on 5, 6, and 7th of August.
Tove Elena Nickolaisen and Anika Burton, INSDA Project (Norway/Spain)- July 9-20 2014
Sharing the residency with Tran/Rivrud, INSDA Project will end their residency with “A woman in life”, a work in progress visual art exhibition and a work in progress video art and photography. The project is already had a two months work period in Barcelona at Peregrino13PlataformaCreativa. “INSDA project is an artistic dance project created and realized by Anika Burton from Spain and Tove-Elena Nicolaisen from Norway. Professional dancers and choreographers who express themselves through movement and contemporary Butoh dance.INSDA project in this investigation process they will explore and expose the question of life in a female body at this present time. What is being a woman in 2014? “When a woman decide to return home, it´s a long travel through the unconscious…a breath of fresh air will inspire her movement, the natural movement of being present. Deep inside she always knows that connection was there…and for a long time she has been living life through death. Now the time has come to be a woman in life”
Hedda Rivrud and Tony Tran– July 7-18 2014
The two young dancers/choreographers are working on their 2nd duet that is part of a double bill , later to be presented at Scenehuset in Oslo this fall. Tran/Rivrud will have a 2 week residency at R.E.D. concluding with a Work in progress on the 18th of July how to love youis seeking a new trust, now that dreams and expectations have met reality.
Ella Fiskum Danz. (Norway/Germany) June 2nd- July 5th
The premiere of Casablanca 0811, Part II of The Triptych Trilogy, is depicting the most intimate and dark performance, revolving around love, freedom, and virtue. While an niqab covered woman is dancing out her polygamous relationship with her husband, a former ballerina- now night club dancer is encountering the man who made her dream impossible on a journey through the desert. With a 16 minutes road movie shoot in Casablanca driving to Arfoud and the Merzouga dunes in the Sahara Desert, with sound by rock guitar legend Ronni Le Tekrø, a theatrical dreamscape is created on stage by Ella Fiskum, Indian dancer Sudesh Adhana, actor Trond Peter Stamsø Munch, and Berlin based singer Houwaida Goulli, accompanied to a string quartet composed by Ali Helnwein.
Brent Lee, (Canada). May 19th- June 3rd
2 weeks residency concluding with a concert on the 2nd of June at 10pm. Homstal is a set of interactive multimedia pieces featuring soprano saxophone, live audio processing, and interactive control of processed video. Each piece is created around a specific concept or place; for this residency, I propose to create an interactive work that incorporates video of the Vestre Toten area, field recordings gathered during the residency, and a newly designed Max MSP/Jitter patch that allows for real-time control of the material in a live performance. A typical Homstad set includes 4-6 individual pieces performed without a pause. Aesthetically, Homstalpieces fall somwhere among experimental music, ambient electronica and Nordic jazz, featuring spacious and colorful audiovisual textures.
Teatringestazione (Italy) 26th July-9th August 2013
Teatringestazione (Italy) will have a 2 weeks residency at R.E.D. working with the project “avVento. # 2. Bestiale Copernicana” (Working Title) from the 26th of July, to the 9th of August. # 2. Bestiale Copernicana is the second movement of the multiannual project avVento. Identità e geografie a venire – a collective and multidisciplinary research for the elaboration of a new myth of postmodern foundation. They will end the residency with a showing of their work. The 7 participants are: Anna Gesualdi – Director Loredana Mesiti – Dramaturg Giovanni Trono – Performer Alessia Mete – Performer Francesco Moraca – Performer Serenella Martufi – Performer Valentina Quintano – Visual Artist. Performances will be held 8th and 9th August at 20:00
MoA (Norway/Brazil/Finland) 3 -16 July 2013
The group MoA by artistic directors Fernanda Branco (Brazil) and Linda Granlund (Finland) are granted a residency at R.E.D. from the 8th to the 21st of July. The Norwegian based group will be working with “The Dreaming Body Project” a sound-poetry performance. Exploring the logic of dreams, in a series of abstract images and sound, taking the audience for a journey of imaginary landscapes, nightmarish humor and public dream share. The residency will be concluded with a work in progress presented on 14th of July at 18:00.
XPROARTS (Norway/India) 2nd of July 2013
The Project “GODAAN- the gift of a cow” by Xproarts will have one performance at R.E.D. on July the 2nd at 20:00. The performance, choreographed by Sudesh Adhana and this team: Nora Svenning, Raja Anand, and Ulf Knudsen was premiered in India and earlier presented at Smestad Gård this spring. Aftenposten and was writing about the project that was developed in farm in India and Norway. Read more here
Unofficial Opening of R.E.D. Summer Season 28 -29 June 2013
R.E.D. is launching its first summer season with a open weekend at R.E.D. on 28-29 June 2013. Program on 28 June 2013: Doors open at 18:00 Unofficial opening at 18:30-19:00 Followed by “Hunting for Dreamland” at 20:00 Concert with Miss Machin (Berlin) 21:00 Open stage at 22:00 DJ Leon from approx 23:00 Program on 29 June 2013: “Vårherres Klinkekule” at 15:00 Workshop for children (ballet and acrobatics) from 16:00-17:00 The audience will get a chance to meet the Artists in Residence, participate in workshops, and see performances and concerts, followed by dancing on the barn to DJ Leon Muraglia (UK/Oslo). On the opening day the theme is called “Hunting for Dreamland” where unexpected things can happen! The Artists in Residence are: Houwaida Goulli (Miss Machin) from Berlin- singer/musician. Ole Henrik Moe (Oslo)- Musician. Kari Rønnekleiv (Oslo) – Musician. Benedikte Onarheim Blystad (Oslo/Berlin) – Dancer/Performer. Matthew Smith (New Zealand/Berlin) – Dancer/Performer. Friends and Guests from Toten.