Untitled star
“UNTITLED STAR” 2002, restaged 2007 (second solo performance)
“UNTITLED STAR” is a feature-length solo performance, which is about the star and the dream of becoming a star. We are meeting the star in a series of tableaux; it might be from a movie scene, her private life, or just imaginary scenes from a daydreamer? The performance is build up visually in dialogue with a huge movie screen enclosing the space. The theme is exploring the competition and conflict between real life and the fictional —film world that is often referred to as “larger than life.” Where the image of a person in the media is more important than the real person.
“UNTITLED STAR” is incorporating video extensively. By directing and editing the 40 minute long video, shown on a 6 meter x 19 meter huge widescreen canvas, a dialogue between the performing dancer on stage and a moving image (video) with multiple stars endlessly appearing and exiting was created. The backdrop of the video was enhancing the theme and responding to the actions: Parallel and commenting, contradictory or abstract.
The concept was in 2007 developed to include an exhibition where the goal was to blur the distinction between dream and reality, between the performance space and “real” fictional space.
Images from the performance featuring Ella Christina Fiskum, and from video projected on the background widescreen measuring 6 meters high and 19 meters long, featuring a.o. Sarah Skogsland.