The Einawood Universe are invited to open the new Festival Politisk Korrekt Teaterfestival at Teater Innlandet. The performance “Hamar goes to EINAWOOD” will be performed at Hamar Kulturhus 1 sep 2022. Participating Artists are: Ella Fiskum, Ronni le Tekrø, Mari Cathrine Brostuen Hagen, Jo-Terje Sagrusten Høyesveen, Line Schaug, Tatsiana Rieber Sparre, Kristine Moe, Amalie Narum, Lalla la Cour, Eiving Øverland, Rodmar Johansen, Trond Augland, Markus Klyve, and guest artists Stephanie von det Strumpf and Stian Vegar.